Ministry's Al Jourgensen has long been on of hard rock and metal's most outspoken and thought-provoking figures and the musician has just released a video commentary weighing in on the rise of sexual harassment awareness in the public view.

"I think it's a real healthy progression and I think it's long overdue that this has happened," says Jourgensen, who says that the objectification of women in society is something that's been reinforced throughout the years, but it's something for men and women to take a closer look at.

"Because of society and what you're expected to be and as you're growing up, these are the parameters of what you're expected to be and it's like, I can fit in there, I can fit in there, I can fit in there without any causation of what you have done to another person, especially in the rock industry," says Jourgensen, who admits he's done some things that he's not proud of.

"You grow, you learn and you listen," says Jourgensen, who also praises women for speaking out and bringing the conversation to the forefront in today's society.

"It's not going to be an overnight thing, but at least start thinking," says the musician. "'Ok, I remember this party back, maybe 10 years ago where I did ... yeah ... I see that that was weird, I can see where I could have possibly weirded someone out...' just that is a step forward. Just for a man to think 'you know what? I might have been kind of fucked up.' That's a step forward and that's where we need to be and that's what these discussions that are happening right now are doing...hopefully."

He adds, "I would like to think that the male species of the human race is smart enough, and not like Trump, to actually have self awareness." Check out Al's full commentary on the topic in the player above and look for the singer returning with Ministry's new album AmeriKKKant on March 9. The band will hit the road to support the disc beginning March 22. Dates can be found here.

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