Mailing Stuff Out Of Rochester Could Be Getting More Expensive
Since many things have gone paperless these days, I don't use the Postal Service too often. That being said, I still have to buy stamps whenever I'm sending a card or paying a bill by mail to avoid an online service fee. So whether you mail stuff a lot or a little, there is an impending change that will affect you!
That's because the U.S. Postal Service is proposing their first price hike for the forever stamp since 1991: a 5 cent jump to 55 cents. Priority Mail flat rate prices could also be increasing by roughly 5.9 percent. That's gotta sting for people who use the Postal Service on a regular basis, but the potential hikes are due to a loss in revenue in recent years. You know, because jerks like me don't mail letters as much anymore. Sorry, guys.
But it's not all bad news - this change would also reduce the ounce price of letters, so a 2-ounce stamped letter would drop from 71 cents to 70 cents. With those savings, you now have 1/55th of a stamp!
Source: KARE
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