Kid Rock Tweets Report Claiming He Leads Michigan Senate Race
Kid Rock is indeed serious about his senatorial aspirations, as he's recently tweeted a report revealing himself to be leading Michigan's senate race.
His tweet is referring to a poll conducted by Delphi Analytics where it's shown Kid Rock leads by eight percent over his democrat opposition Debbie Stabenow when matched head to head. Adjusted to include undecided voters, the poll reads 44 percent for Undecided, 30 percent for Kid Rock and 26 percent for Stabenow. So, many are still unsure whether they want the "American Badass" in office.
Robert "Kid Rock" Ritchie announced his bid to run for office earlier this month. Most thought he was joking, although he's revealed it's also an attempt to create more buzz for his upcoming music as well. When questioned about the run, he bragged, "It’s not a hoax, it’s a strategy and marketing 101! No plans for an album or anything else that has been the usual norm in the music business OR politics.”
It's questionable whether or not this campaign/marketing plan will actually lead to anything substantial, but Ritchie seems convinced it's going to happen. His hypothetical competition Stabenow tweeted out, "I know we both share a love of music. I concede he's better at playing guitar and I'll keep doing what I do best: fighting for Michigan." As of writing, Ritchie still has yet to file with the Federal Election Commission to actually begin the process, though there is still time left.
Kid Rock in Consideration for Michigan Senate?
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