Jason Momoa Confirms ‘Justice League’ Will Have Post-Credits Scene
The DCEU has made it a point to distinguish themselves from the Marvel Cinematic Universe as best they can, and one way is with their lack of post-credit scenes. Unlike the MCU movies, where audiences stick around for one, two, heck even five post-credit scenes, Warner Bros. has mostly avoided the trend. Suicide Squad is the only DCEU movie with a post-credits tag, while you could happily leave the theater after Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Wonder Woman. That’s about to change though; Justice League will indeed have a post-credits scene.
Jason Momoa confirmed as much in a new interview with BBC Radio 2‘s Ore Oduba (h/t ComicBook.com). When the host asked Momoa (it’s around the 6:45 minute mark) whether audiences should stick around once the movie ends, Aquaman himself confirmed that they certainly should:
They do. You gotta sit through the whole thing, go through the credits.
Oduba, who has already seen Justice League, then asked Momoa if he wanted to share anything more about what comes after the credits. The host asked, “What will be worth their while for the extra four minutes and thirty seven seconds,” and, granted, that is probably just a random number he made up, unless somehow he was timing the scene on his watch (which would be weird). Momoa wouldn’t spill much more, but admitted that he walked out of the theater with his kids after the film ended. “Everyone was like ‘ooh ooh ooh!’ and I had to run back in because I forgot it was in the script. [It’s] fantastic.”
It does sort of makes sense for Justice League to have a post-credits scene, considering the scene at the tail end of Suicide Squad. That Easter egg tidbit, in which Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne meets Viola Davis’ Amanda Muller, set up Batman’s search for his Justice League team members. One can assume the spoilery Justice League scene will likely work as a lead-up to another DCEU project, and less so a comedic Marvel-esque scene. And now we’re left theorizing what exactly the scene (assuming there’s just one) could be: something teasing Flashpoint? Aquaman? Perhaps a Green Lantern sighting? Maybe it’s just outtakes of Nicole Kidman’s sea queen from Aquaman. I would happily stick around for some Kidman sneak peaks. Consider it, Warner Bros.
We’ll find out next week when Justice League hits theaters November 17.
Gallery – Check Out 26 New Stills from Justice League: