pullquotes alignment="full"]<p>(He) Made me smile when I definitely needed a smile!</p><p> </p>[/pullquotes]

To Rochester, Minnesota, and thousands and thousands of patients visiting each day, the guy on Second Street SW. waving flags is a symbol of the love and hope each of us needs in our life.

Flag Waving Joe Waves Flags to Cheer People Up

Joe Johnson waving flags to say Thank You on Veterans Day 2022. (Used with permission)
Joe Johnson waving flags to say Thank You on Veterans Day 2022. (Used with permission)

12 months a year, pretty much no matter the weather, Joe Johnson is out there, waving flags and sipping Pepsi (NOT Diet Pepsi if you're so inclined, thank you very much). Why? It's simple. He wants to bring joy and love to the lives of everyone around him.

We've seen him in the rain, waving and loving the honks he gets as a thank you. On the hottest days in the summer when the humidity slows everyone down, Joe is out there.

The only time we've seen him take a break was for his health. He's moving a little slower now thanks to health concerns, but when we had our first snow earlier this week, guess who was out there, sharing the love...right, Flag Waving Joe Johnson. A beloved member of The Med City community here in SE Minnesota.

At Least One Mayo Clinic Patient Noticed Flag Waving Joe

Certainly more people saw Joe in the baby blizzard, but Ben Bridgeman shot a video and shared it with the Facebook group Spotted In Rochester. So I reached out, asking permission to use the video for a story, and Ben said you bet.

He also said,

Been stuck in the hospital for about a week and I just happened to look out the window and saw him. Made me smile when I definitely needed a smile!

And that's why Joe does it. That one moment right there. He is kind, he is loving, he's a blast to dance with at Thursdays Downtown...and he waves love into so many lives. Thank you, Joe Johnson!

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Speaking of snow, where's the best place to go sledding near Rochester?

Get Your Sled On at One of These 10 Sledding Hills in and Around Rochester, Minnesota

Are you looking for an amazing spot to take the kids for a fun day sledding? Look no further because here are 10 of the best spots to have fun on a sled in Rochester, Minnesota.

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com

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