A fire department located about 15 miles southwest of Minneapolis, Minnesota has gone viral on social media thanks to a spoof they did from a classic scene from the National Lampoon motion picture "Christmas Vacation."

Recently the first responders from the Savage, Minnesota Fire Department decided to have a little fun Clark W Griswold style for the holiday season.

Dakota News Now reports that the guys from the Savage Fire Department recreated the legendary scene that depicts Clark (the king of exterior illumination) attempting to light up the Griswold holiday mansion with 25,000 imported Italian twinkle lights to no avail.

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If you've seen the movie Christmas Vacation, you know his plan had a few hitches in the giddy-up along the way, Clark's plans always do. In the movie, his wife Ellen Griswold saves the day after she discovers the power outlet Clark has all the various cords routed to is not turned on.

Anyway, the gang from the Savage, Minnesota Fire Department reenacted the famous scene in a TikTok video that has gone viral doing over 1.4 million views since it was posted over a week ago.

According to Dakota News Now, making silly videos has become somewhat of a holiday tradition over the past four years for the Savage first responders team.

Their hope is the videos they make help to give the public a chance to see the faces of the first responders that serve them.

They also hope that their videos might help to inspire others to become first responders themselves someday.

Source: Dakota News Now

10 Wild South Dakota Snowstorms

Even though snow is blanketing the Sioux Empire, some snowstorms still do not compare to these ten dreadful snowstorms that hit South Dakota.

Only In Your State highlighted ten snowstorms in South Dakota as a reminder for people to always be aware of the road during the winter. South Dakotans are well aware of the fact that the state’s winters can be harsh which is why it is always a good idea to plan ahead and prepare for the worst.

Do you remember any major snowstorms that hit South Dakota?

Gallery Credit: KXRB

5 Words That'll Help You Sound Like a South Dakotan

Each and every state has its own way of saying certain words, and South Dakota is no different.

We South Dakotans have our own unique way of saying certain words which sometimes leaves outsiders scratching their heads.

Here's a list of five words, and how to use them, to help you blend in.

Gallery Credit: Andy Gott