I guess if you're going to the Great Minnesota Get-Together you should bring an extra pair of underwear. I've never heard about this strange trend before. My friend David was going live on social media pointing it out as he was on the Sky Glider Ride at the Minnesota State Fair.

First off, David was kinda bummed because he had to ride separately from his wife and kid. They were told the three of them couldn't share the same chair. But, they went ahead anyway. I guess it's better to be safe than sorry!


David Dennison
David Dennison


During the ride, they went over a building, and to David's surprise, he saw a bunch of underwear littered on the roof of a building. He had no clue why there was underwear all over it. There were all sorts!

David Dennison
David Dennison

There were thongs, granny panties, whitey tighties and more. What's up with that?

I did some digging and found that it's actually a weird spontaneous trend that popped up years ago. It's a tradition for some people to drop some underpants down on the roof. Why? Because humans are kind of weird.

David Dennison
David Dennison

Now, I would imagine most people brought a spare pair in with them in their pocket and dropped it. I really hope people aren't going commando at the fair, especially with how hot it is this year. Can you imagine the chaffing that would happen walking around with no underwear when it's close to 100 degrees?

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Bring Me The News covered this a couple of years ago, and they said that workers usually wait to clear it out until the fair is over, because what is the point of getting up there every day if it's going to be raining underwear the next day.

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