Is CBD-Infused Ice Cream Coming To Rochester In The Near Future?
Cannabidiol, a.k.a. CBD, is seemingly the hot new thing these days. Produced from hemp, it's been promoted as a remedy for symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, and muscle pain, and can be found in things like gummies, teas, and even lotions. While CBD still hasn't been approved by the FDA for use in foods or beverages, plenty of companies seem to think that's the direction we'll be going in the future; the company that makes Oreos is already planning on a line of cannabis-infused cookies, after all!
So I'd say it definitely makes sense that the makers of Ben & Jerry's are currently developing their own line of CBD-infused ice cream:
The company says that as soon as the FDA approves CBD-infused food, they want their new product to hit the shelves as soon as possible. So get ready, because Adult Ice Cream could be arriving in Rochester in the very near future!
Source: Thrillist