Remember how much crazy fun we had last year at the Insane Inflatable 5K? Well, it’s coming back to Rochester in 2016, and we've already set the date for June 18th out at the Rochester International Airport.

We’ve got a few months to go until we’ll be bouncing, sliding, jumping, and (probably) falling over some awesome brand new obstacles, but we have a special offer for you STARTING TODAY through the month of October.

Until October 30th ONLY, get your Insane Inflatable 5K tickets for just $49! This is an insane deal, and prices will increase a couple times from now until the event, so you won’t want to miss this opportunity. Grab your team and register today to save some serious cash.

There are 5 brand new obstacles for 2016, and we’ve seen them – they’re NUTS. Yep, even cooler than last year’s. Register, stay tuned to our Facebook page and website for pictures of the new obstacles when we reveal them, and start planning for another crazy fun 5K! Remember, register BY OCTOBER 30 for the early bird price, and get pumped!

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