Ice Palace Maze A Big Hit in Stillwater
STILLWATER -- There's a popular new attraction in Stillwater. An Ice Palace Maze opened last weekend and runs through the end of February.
Spokesman Bil MacLeslie says the Zephyr Theatre in Stillwater decided to build the maze as a fundraiser after being shut down for months due to COVID-19 restrictions. He says they wanted to do an outside event that was interactive.
The response has been overwhelming.
We sold out last weekend about a week and a half before it started and that was 2,500 attendees. The phone has been ringing off the hook. We're amazed by the response.
MacLeslie says they've added weekdays to try to keep up with the demand. They are open Tuesday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from noon until 10:00 p.m. However, weekend tickets are mostly sold out. It is limited to 100 visitors at a time due to safety restrictions.
He says it is also a way to bring visitors to the community in the offseason.
A tourist town that Stillwater is really thrives in the summer and can really shut down in the wintertime and it's really difficult for businesses. They have bills to pay all year long, so we're working really with the restaurants in town.
The Ice Palace Maze features a 36-foot ice slide, an ice bar, hot chocolate and S'mores, and Elsa. The 1500 blocks of ice make up the 114 foot by 72-foot ice maze.