LOVE: 8-10 Tons Of FREE Sweetcorn Sunday In Plainview, MN!
Plainview's Corn-on-the-Cob Days started Wednesday and I'm not even going to mess around talking about this and that and the next thing. Because if you remember anything I say, please, make it this...
Do Not Miss Sunday's Free Sweet Corn!
Yes, Saturday is jam-packed with awesomeness:
- The car and tractor show
- Old fashioned three-legged race
- Kids' soap box car race
- Bean Bag Tournament (scroll down for funny team names you can use)
- Kids' pedal pull
- Tractor games
- Live music
- Fireworks.
But Sunday Is the Day for an A-Maizing Corn Experience in Plainview, MN!
- What: Free Sweet Corn
- When: 11 AM - 3 PM (or until the corn is gone)
- Where: Northwest corner of Wedgewood Park
- How Much: FREE! No admission price, no "butter fee" nothing.
- How? The corn is picked fresh and cooked by Lakeside Foods, the award-winning butter is from Plainview Milk Products.
How Does This Free Sweet Corn Thing Work?
Get to Plainview, Minnesota early. Like, early enough to get breakfast at Ma's Cafe (see my 2017 review HERE) or something lighter at Cabin Coffee. Then, if you haven't already, find a place to park your car for the day, then walk around town, burn off that breakfast, and enjoy Plainview. Then...
- Be in line at 11 AM
- Get an ear of sweetcorn
- Pull the husk and leaves down, but don't fully shuck the ear, you'll want the hand protection.
- Go to the buttering station, and have your ear buttered. And the corn too (HIYO!)
- Go to the salting table. Do the salt thing.
- Eat your ear of corn.
- Notice how awesome it is and thank everyone you see for making that magical moment possible. The Plainview Chamber of Commerce and the Plainview Lions for putting it on and, the farmers!
Who are the farmers? They're the folks that look a lot like you and me, but they work harder than you can imagine, worry more than 1/2 our population, and are just about the funniest people you'll meet (once you get to know 'em. They might be a little quiet 'til then).
Just How Much Sweet Corn Do They Go thru in Plainview and more!
Any Questions? They'll be answered on site.
I'm not kidding about going early. You'll have to walk a LOT to get the corn if you don't go early and find a spot to park.
Corn-on-the-Cob Days is a five-day celebration of “Everything Corn” that is unique to Plainview. Sponsored by the City of Plainview and coordinated by the Plainview Lions Club - with support from Lakeside Foods, Inc., Foresight Bank, Peoples State Bank, Bennett’s Food Center, Plainview Milk Products, and many others - this is the big event for the year. Starting with a praise fest the first evening of the festival and ending with a grand parade with over 100 entries, Corn-on-the-Cob Days draws up to 6,000 visitors to Plainview.
Get 40% off the golf card with the code: GOLF.
A few things about corn...
15 Suggested Names for Rochester's Ear Of Corn Water Tower
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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