If you grew up in the 70's and 80's and played with these toys and are reading this, congratulations! You're still alive. It amazes me the toys we got as children. Most, they wouldn't sell these days because they COULD KILL YOU!

Check out this list of toys I had...Hell, we ALL had at some point in our life, I'm sure. What the hell were our parents and government thinking?


  • Clackers

    They called them "Clackers." We called them "Kabangers." They should have been called "The Balls of Death." Though I'm not sure anybody ever died from using them but apparently some did shatter and shrapnel flew everywhere, even blinding kids in the process.

  • Slip & Slide

    Sure, it doesn't look dangerous but what you actually see in the commercial, was NOT the actual size. They must have put 20 of the slip and slides together because they were NOT as long as they look. When you took it out of the box, it was maybe 6 feet long. When using one as a kid, I jammed my finger so bad I thought I broke it. Not to mention, if you're out in the hot sun and there's a dry spot on it and you rake a nipple across that bad boy, you're in for a bad time.

  • Stretch Armstrong

    This was one of my favorite toys as a child. I got the Stretch Armstrong and my brother got the green monster. What the hell kind of radio active jelly was inside that thing? And why was it so easy to take the head off and pour it out. it stunk!

  • Creepy Crawlers

    Here ya go, kids. Pour some weird concoction into this bug mold. Don't worry, it won't hurt you. It's just chemicals and stuff. You need to be more worried about the "oven" that cooks them at 300 degrees!

  • BB Guns

    That doesn't even look like a bb coming out of the gun. That looks like a round from a .50 cal! (sarcasm, of course) But this would not fly nowadays. You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

  • The Big Wheel

    The Big Wheel, in and of itself, was not dangerous by any means. the ramps we used to build at the bottom of the steep hill we too, THAT was dangerous. Loved the Big Wheel.

  • Lawn Jarts

    When looking up the old commercial for the "lawn jarts" I came across this video. It's a pretty accurate depiction of what would happen when you play lawn jarts...er...I mean, LAWN MISSILES OF DEATH!

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