Christian Rock Singer Revokes Faith: ‘I No Longer Believe in God’
Jon Steingard, singer and guitarist for Christian pop-rock group Hawk Nelson, has revoked his faith, declaring, "I no longer believe in God" in a long-winded statement on social media, which outlined his journey to this realization.
Hawk Nelson formed in Ontario, Canada in 2000 and have released eight full length albums, the latest being 2018's Miracles. In his statement, Stengard makes no allusions as to what this means for the band's future despite a Facebook post issued on May 21 indicating there was much more ahead.
In his Instagram reveal, the frontman explained that his revocation of Christianity was not an overnight decision as he had been grappling with elements of his faith for "several years." Steingard grew up in an overtly Christian home and community with faith being the foremost fixture in his life.
"I am now finding that I no longer believe in God," he wrote, noting, "The process of getting to that sentence has been several years in the making. It didn’t happen overnight or all of a sudden. It’s been more like pulling on the threads of a sweater, and one day discovering that there was no more sweater left."
In his nine-slide Instagram post, Steingard spoke about his battle to believe that the Bible is the "perfect word of God" as transcribed through the divine inspiration of a collection of human individuals. Struggling to understand all the wickedness present in the world and why an all-powerful God would idly stand by to let it happen, he was told to seek answers within the biblical text. "I found, however, that consulting and discussing the Bible didn't answer my questions, it only amplified them," stressed the Hawk Nelson frontman.
Elsewhere, he relayed an eye-opening conversation with his father-in-law, who, like his father, is a pastor. Steingard also mentioned that he and his wife, Jess, were never enthused about going to church, reading the Bible nor praying, all of which he said "felt like an obligation."
Still, the Hawk Nelson singer is "open to the idea that God is there," though not in the same fashion he was raised to believe.
Read the entire statement below.
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