How about this for a little bit of adorable in your day?

A Rochester woman snapped this cool photo of a peregrine falcon hanging out just outside an office at Mayo. Cami is one lucky lady! She promptly posted it on Instagram, which is where I found it. I would've posted it, too! It is just so darn cool!

It happened just a few days ago, by the looks of it. I'm guessing it could've been Thursday afternoon or Friday given the amount of snow we can see in the photo.

Have you been this close to wildlife before?

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources explains that these guys are now common! They say, "In Minnesota, a breeding population that once totaled 30-40 pairs was extirpated primarily by DDT poisoning between 1946 and 1962. As a result of restoration efforts, peregrine falcons once again nest in Minnesota, and their range in the United States continues to increase. In 1996, the state status of this species was changed from endangered to threatened. In 1999, the peregrine falcon was removed from the federal endangered species list."

So cool to see peregrine falcons out and about!

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