This is a legit haunted playground. No, it's not a staged haunted playground where they have actors dressed up as you walk through. There have been reports of paranormal activity here. EEEK! Would you brave enough to go here at night? NOPE!

People have reported seeing a little girl that vanishes when you get too close. That sounds harmless enough... until her dad comes out. As cute as it sounds to see a little girl with her dad, we all know how protective dads can be. Well, this ghostly figure is no different. According to Only in My State, the father is said to attack when approached. According to Minnesota Haunted House, this place is legit, and the little girl only comes out on Sundays around 2 am.

The playground is in Long Lake, Minnesota. It's about an hour and 40 minutes from Rochester and just West of Minneapolis. It's called Holbrook Park and has a baseball field, skating rinks, a picnic area, and more.



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