It worked. It actually worked! Back in March, Foo Fighters fans from Richmond, Va., launched a crowd funding campaign, selling tickets to a concert that didn't exist yet. The campaign reached its goal money-wise, but now, the plot has succeeded in another way. Foo Fighters noticed the campaign and have agreed to play Richmond!

Foo Fighters haven't performed in Richmond since 1999, so to bring the band back, a handful of fans started an effort to sell 1,400 tickets to a future concert via the crowd funding site CrowdTilt. It's certainly a unique concept, but fellow Foo Fighters fans were assured that their credit cards would only be charged if the show sold out. Moreover, full refunds would have been offered had Foo Fighters not agreed to play.

The campaign even gained big bucks from local businesses. Sugar Shack Donuts and Brown's Volkswagen each donated $5,000 each to the cause, and the effort has paid off.

On June 13, Foo Fighters tweeted, "See ya soon, let's have a good time" to their Richmond fans:

Congratulations, Foo Fighters fans in Richmond! The band will return to your town after a long 15 year absence. Stay tuned for details on the show.

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