Stone Temple Pilots’ Dean DeLeo: Scott Weiland’s Death Felt Like a 14-Year Suicide
Stone Temple Pilots have experienced a difficult couple of years with the passing of longtime vocalist Scott Weiland in 2015 and the death of Chester Bennington, who also held STP’s mic, earlier this year. In a new interview with Guitar World, Stone Temple Pilots’ Dean DeLeo spoke about both deceased musicians and the different circumstances which contributed to their early deaths.
Dean DeLeo delved into Stone Temple Pilots’ classic Core album to put together a deluxe edition for the record’s 25th anniversary. It wasn’t an easy task for DeLeo, as the guitarist reveals the emotional toll the project took on him.
“It was very sad digging into those [Core] demos. It took me right back to the rehearsal room, and to all the memories,” DeLeo shares. “You know, Scott and I were roommates back then. We rented a house out in Highland Park. And we lived together while writing and recording and touring that first record. [Scott’s death] was such a different scenario from Chester because, Chester, that was very, very sudden and unexpected. Whereas it was the complete opposite with Scott. It was a 12-, 14-year suicide.”
DeLeo adds, “Scott was just an incredible human being. An incredibly gifted and talented human being ... I’ll fucking say this loud and proud: Scott Weiland was one of the best lyricists of our time. His lyrics and his melodies and his delivery… he was the fucking best, man. It was an honor to be onstage with that cat and it was an amazing place to be there with him while writing a song. I miss that guy. I miss the guy he was. I’ve missed him for about 15 years.”
Stone Temple Pilots have recruited a new singer, but the person’s identity remains a mystery for now. STP are booked to return to the stage for a Nov. 14 invitation-only concert for SiriusXM listeners. We can safely assume the new singer will be revealed to the world by or before then.
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