Deadly Motorcycle Crash in Wabasha County
(KROC-AM News) - One person was killed in a motorcycle crash in Wabasha County Saturday evening.

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According to a news release from the Wabasha County Sheriff’s Office, the motorcycle was traveling on 350th Ave in Hyde Park Township when it swerved to miss a deer in the roadway around 7:45 p.m and crashed.
A passenger on the motorcycle, identified as 40-year-old Rebecca Kahn of Plainview, died at the scene. The driver of the motorcycle was identified as 44-year-old Brock Kahn also of Plainview. He was transported to St. Mary’s Hospital with minor injuries.
Elgin Ambulance, Zumbro Falls First Responders and Fire Department, Mayo One, and the Minnesota State Patrol assisted at the scene.
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