Could Toys R Us Be Saved After All?
We've seen a handful of businesses close in Rochester this year, but the end of Toys R Us was one of the most notable closings. When I was a little tyke, I still remember how excited I was walking into the store for the first time. But while the former Rochester location is now home to a Halloween costume store, but there may be some good news.
According to Axios, the people who purchased and liquidated Toys R Us stores across the country are now having second thoughts. They're now saying that they might try bringing Toys R Us back, and could possibly even open new stores. While this news might be a little upsetting to the former Toys R Us workers who were fired, they still might score some cash thanks to a $20 million fund that's currently being set up for ex-employees.
So will we see the return of Toys R Us here in Rochester? It didn't seem likely a few months ago, but after today, it's at least looking possible!
Source: Axios
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