Well, another Back Friday is upon us....and a new tradition (for those that DON'T shop and LOVE beer) is The Black Friday Beer Tour. It was started 4 years ago by.....

myself and my brother in-law Pat. It was Black Friday 2010 in Lacrosse WI. We were with our wives. They were in a shopping mood....Pat and I.....not so much. So, each store they went to, we just had them drop us off at the nearest bar. Our very first stop was Applebee's in Lacrosse. From there, we went to Hummers Pub in Hokah, MN....then on to a few other bars in Caledonia, MN. Needless to say, we had a great time and the Black Friday Beer Tour was born.

In 2011, we actually went to the Mall of America.....Yeah....the busiest shopping day of the year and we went to Mall of America.....smooth. It wasn't so bad though. We hit the comedy club up there and a few other places, then we came back to Rochester and closing out the night at Beer Bellyz.

Unfortunately, Pat couldn't make the BFBT tour in 2012 (He lives in Michigan)



But he was there in spirit.

But for 2013....the gang's all here! We're looking forward to a GREAT BFBT this year. If you see us out and about, don't be afraid to buy us a beer. We'll be the ones with the BFBT logo on our shirts.


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