Billboard Aimed at Rochester Kids is Ruffling Feathers
Have you seen this billboard in Rochester? It's located at 1203 Seventh St. N.W. close to John Marshall High School.
The billboard shows a turkey saying,"I'm ME not MEAT. Kids: Ask Your Parents About Going Vegan." It was paid for by PETA.
According to a press release it's goal is "to spark a family dialog about going vegan by letting children know that animals are individuals who shouldn't be carved up and eaten on Thanksgiving or any other day of the year." PETA says 45 million turkeys are killed in the U.S. each year for Thanksgiving.
Minnesota is the top turkey producing state in the country.
I've seen a few people on social media post their frustration with PETA targeting their kids with this advertisement. What do you think about the billboard? Will it stop you from eating a turkey this Thanksgiving? Leave your comments below or on our Facebook page.