Best Way To Help Snow Plow Drivers
A major snow storm is on its way and the City of Rochester’s Public Works Department is getting the plows ready. The fleet consists of over 30 snow plows that work to clear 533 miles of road, 9.5 miles of alleys, and 544 cul-de-sacs within Rochester.
This is no easy task; however, a few simple actions by Rochester residents can help the snow plows operate safely and be more efficient at moving snow and clearing city streets. Effective snow removal creates safer roads for travel and provides access for emergency vehicles all winter long.
How to help your neighborhood plow driver:
- Park your vehicle somewhere other than the street when it is snowing.
Narrow streets and parked vehicles make it difficult for plows to maneuver. Plus, parked vehicles prevent the snow plow from removing as much snow as possible from the street. Parked cars become buried in snow and when removed require the snow plows to return to plow the snow that was plied around the vehicle. This is very inefficient and adds needless expense.
- Avoid parking in a location that has not been plowed.
Vehicles blocking the snow plows access to snow along the road will result in snow remaining on the road after the plows have completed their snow removal operation following a storm. The snow will become hard-packed and become difficult for the city to plow and results in large chucks of hardened snow in driveways.
- Direct snow from your driveway and the sidewalk towards your yard, rather than the boulevard or street.
By pushing and shoveling snow into your yard, you leave more room in the boulevard for storage of snow from street plowing. In addition, it is a violation of City Ordinances to push, shovel, throw or blow snow from private driveways or parking lots into the street. Violators are subject to the issuance of a $40 Administrative Fine Citation for a first offence.
- Place garbage and recycling containers in your driveway or on the boulevard on pick up days.
Garbage and recycling containers placed in the street create additional obstacles for the snow plow drivers to navigate around. Many times the containers are tipped over due to the force of the plowed snow hitting them or the snow is not plowed all the way to the edge of the street causing the street to become narrower.
- Follow the 12 hour parking rule.
City Ordinance states vehicles are not allowed to park on the street for more than twelve (12) consecutive hours. Following these requirements helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the snow plow operations. Violations are subject to a parking ticket and towing.
- Obey posted traffic signs.
Pay attention to posted signs in order to abide by parking laws. Some areas of Rochester are subject to Alternate Side Winter Parking Zone requirements, while others have winter parking regulations in effect. Violations are subject to a parking ticket and towing.
More information about the City of Rochester’s snow/ice control and sidewalk snow removal policies can be found here: and here: