Are Oreo Cookies Finally Running Out of New Flavor Ideas?
After seeing the latest flavors hit stores this past weekend, I'm convinced that's exactly what's happening.
A couple months ago I caught wind of a Do Us a Flavor-type contest from Nabisco called "My Oreo Creation" where Oreo fans like myself could submit our own ideas for new cookie flavors. Since then, I've been waiting with anticipation on what the winners have come up with... and honestly, I'm not impressed! This is coming from a die-hard fan too. Don't believe me? Then you obviously missed my definitive list of favorite Oreo flavors from March...
Anywho, the winning flavors (seen below) from the contest are Cherry Cola, Kettle Corn, and Piña Colada Oreos:
See any you want to try? Because I sure as heck don't. Who the heck wants to dunk a cherry cola-flavored cookie into a glass of milk? Not me!
I should have known when they began asking us for help that they'd ran out of good ideas, and these three new flavors just proved it. Ugh.
Now do US a flavor, Oreo and just stick to the red velvet and birthday cakes of the world because that's what you're good at. K, thanks!
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