We call it our "newner".... get your mind of the gutter! It's new music every weekeday at noon with Val!

Fun fact: I like new music, and I like metal. Lots of it. So, my boss was nice enough to let me share this every day with you guys at noon! Here's what we rocked this week.

Monday (5/22/17): Green Day - "Revolution Radio"

A heavy hit from the Dookie masters!


Tuesday (5/23/17): The Pretty Reckless - "Back To The River"

This is an awesome hit that shows the variety behind Who You Selling For? Get Jamie and Mark's interview with Val here.


Wednesday (5/24/17): I Prevail - "Alone"

You guys really liked this one!


Thursday (5/25/17): Of Mice & Men - "Back To Me"

They owned Northern Invasion with this one! You guys were fond of this too.


Friday (5/26/17): HELLYEAH - "Love Falls"


Let us know what else you wanna hear!

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