4 of the Best Ways to Keep Pesky Insects at Bay in Minnesota
There are a ton of things about Minnesota that I love but the 90+ bug bites that I got the other day, that's not one of them. The nasty no-see-um creatures that are practically invisible in Minnesota love me a ton. And the mosquitos think I'm pretty tasty too.
Because the bites are usually quite intense on my precious skin, I went on the hunt to get these pests away from me. I actually found a few solutions and thought I'd share the info in case the bugs love you too.
Four of the Best Ways To Avoid Bug Bites, Especially No-See-Um's, in Minnesota
#1 - Bug Spray
I know that bug spray really isn't that amazing of a smell but it is now my perfume for the next few months. I bought a bulk supply and if I am going to be out more than 5 minutes, I spray it all over my body like I am taking a bath.
#2 - Candles that are supposed to repel bugs
I love this little candle. It smells so good! And it seems to be helping keep the nasty critters off my skin.
#3 - Repellent I found on Amazon!
This one is a bit more on the expensive side but it seems to work pretty well and is especially helpful when my candle is wet from all the rain that's poured on us lately.
#4 - Wearing Long Pants and Long Sleeves
I'm not a huge fan of this one because on the days when it is 80+ degrees, I want to be out in my shorts and tank tops. And if I am honest, it is hard to get tan when I'm wearing long sleeves and long pants.

What other tips do you have to keep bugs away from biting you?
I am open to trying new ways to keep bugs from biting me. If you've got any other tips, let me know by sending me a message at jessica.williams@townsquaremedia.com or on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio.
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