34 Stores and Restaurants We Want to See in Rochester in 2022
It's a new year, new opportunities on the horizon, and there are some stores, restaurants, and attractions that people hope will come to Rochester, Minnesota in 2022.
I think no matter who you ask, no matter where you live, there's always something 'missing' from their town. But obviously not everyone can be pleased, and there's always going to be something that holds a place in your heart that isn't easily accessible to you.
I asked on our Facebook page what store and/or restaurant you thought we need in Rochester and there were over 150 responses! So I condensed it down to a list of 34 stores, restaurants, and also attractions that we want to see in Rochester in 2022.
There's one in particular on this list that I'm really hoping will one day come to Rochester. See if you agree!
34 Stores and Restaurants We Want to See in Rochester in 2022
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