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16-year-old Sam from Montevideo, Minnesota is no slacker, that's for sure. He seems to be very active: he's in 4H, plays baseball, likes to hunt and fish, and also enjoys raising his animals. He also started growing a 1/4 acre pumpkin patch back in 2018. He's a busy guy but he's about to be busier because he is opening his own business this fall called Sam's Pumpkin Patch.

It'll be a festival with now an acre of pumpkins where you can pick your own or choose from pre-picked ones. There will also be food and drinks for purchase too at the concession stand that he put together in a machine shed. He also told the Montevideo News that there will also be a hay bale maze, a corn pit, ride-on toys for little kids, farm mini golf, plenty of photo-ops, a hayride, life-sized checkers, bags, and pumpkin bowling. Sam seems to have thought of everything!

It sounds like it's going to be a really fun festival to check out this year. Admission is $5 per person (2 and under get in free) and Sam's Pumpkin Patch will be open every Saturday and Sunday 10 AM - 6 PM starting September 11th through October 31st. It'll also be open on the Thursday and Friday of MEA break, October 21st and 22nd, 10 AM - 6 PM.

Checking out a place like this is the perfect way to spend a fall day. Plus you're supporting a young entrepreneur! In case you're wondering, Sam told the Montevideo News he plans to go to college for business management.

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9 Spots in Rochester Where You Can Buy Mums and Other Fall Accents

Fall is my favorite time of the year! I love the colors, the smell of fall, and the leaves that crunch under our feet as we are out on a hike or on a walk with the dogs. Decorating the front of my house to get it ready for the cooler weather and fall theme is a plus for me too and right now, I'm on the hunt to find mums and other accents for my planters, and here are the top spots in Rochester, Minnesota with those gorgeous flowers.

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