It's now the time of year when we think about our sweethearts and try to remember that Valentine's Day will be here before we know and that's something you don't want to forget or you'll never live it down.

Of course, there are now Valentine's Day reminders in just about every store in Minnesota, so you don't have to look too hard to see cards, flowers, and other gift ideas that remind you that the February 14 holiday is coming.

Whether you're the kind of person who grabs the first card they see to give to your valentine, or you read through dozens to find just the right one, you'll want to pay special attention to the actual gift you give along with that card.

If you're buying a gift for a Minnesota woman, a thoughtful gift will make her extremely happy. However, if you're not on your gift-giving game, you could wind up in the doghouse.

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The list below will help you have a happy Valentine's Day.

10 Valentine's Day Gifts You Should Avoid Giving To Women

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