The music festival season is almost here. Guaranteed if you go to ANY festival, (We recommend Rock Fest!) you WILL run into a few, if not ALL of these people. Before we get to the list, let me start by saying: I'm not making fun of ANY of these people. Simply because I have been most of these people at one point or another and I'm sure you have too. So, with that being said, let's do this. In no particular order.

  • The Person That Comes in Costume

    There's ALWAYS someone in costume. I've seen them all. Dumb and Dumber, a cop, Captain America, wigs, all kinds. There will always be someone in costume. ALWAYS. If not, then you're not at the right festival. They're the ones that are having fun and making it fun for everyone there. They usually have a beer or other sort of drink in their hand. Be sure to approach them. They want you to. Ask them for a picture and cherish that moment forever. Get that sh*t framed!

  • 2

    The "Show My Boobs" Girl

    Nothing wrong with this girl at all. In fact, as a guy, I can say (and I think I can speak for all men) keep it up.

    Sure, she may have had a few drinks but it would seem it's the atmosphere and the excitement that made her flash the goods and NOT the 4 or 5 shots of Fireball and countless pudding shots, jell-o shots, etc.

    Of course, I can't post a picture of naked boobies on here, so this picture will have to suffice.

  • 3

    The Group That Decorates Their Campsite

    If you go to a festival that is longer than a day and has camping, I am absolutely positive you will see more than one campsite decorated in some sort of way. For instance, at Rock Fest, there's MANY sites that decorate. It's encouraged and they even provide prizes for some of the most creative.

    If you can, stop at a campsite that is all done up. These people are some of the nicest you'll ever meet and hell, they'll probably offer you a beer or two.

  • 4

    The Pot Smoker

    Now this person is pretty much at EVERY concert. They don't roll a fatty just at festivals. It's a given that if you go to a festival with a large crowd, you're gonna get a whiff of a spliff. It's best to just go with it. I mean, it's not like you're gonna get the munchies or feel like everyone knows your stoned, because you're not... unless the person is right next to you blowing it right in your face.

  • 5

    The Constant Selfie Taker

    Did you know that you can take a selfie without one of those dumb-ass selfie sticks? It's true. There's always a few people that take a selfie at a festival and to me, I think a few selfies are just fine. However, one time I stood and watched a group of girls take (and I'm not exaggerating) at least 50 selfies. At least!

    By all means, get a shot with you and some friends with the band in the background. It's a cool shot. But don't be taking selfies throughout the whole show. You'll miss out and the people you're distracting will miss out, too.

  • 6

    The "I'd Rather Be Anywhere But Here" Guy

    Usually you'll see this guy on his phone with his back turned away from the stage. Even though he probably can't hear sh*t, he'll sit on his phone as long as possible. Then, after his buddy drops off the phone because it's too loud, this guy will stand, again, with his back turned and watch the crowd in wonder. Almost like he doesn't realize there's a show going on.

  • 7

    The "Already Passed Out" Guy

    Sometime early in the day, this guy decided to drink. (Or maybe he just never stopped from the night before.) While everybody else was just getting out of bed, he already had a beer in his hand.

    I've been this guy. It was OzzFest back in 1999 (I think). I hosted a bus over to OzzFest and we left at like 7 AM. On the way over, some listeners were feeding me drinks. I mean LOTS of drinks, and I ended up passing out on top of the hill at Alpine Valley. Slept right through Godsmack (The one band I was there to see.)

    Like me, this person will boot and rally and be ready to go by the time the headliner hits the stage. If you DO see them, make sure they're breathing. And if you happen to have a bottle of water, wake them up and give them some. They're probably gonna need it.

  • 8

    The Guy That Knows the Lyrics to Every Song

    Not only does he know the lyrics but he sings them at the top of his lungs. Every damn song. All festival long. If you're lucky, maybe he'll actually sound good. But more than likely, he won't!

  • 9

    The Girls on Their Boyfriends Shoulders

    At venues like Rock Fest, this usually isn't a problem. The hill is sloped, so you still get a good view. But I've been to a few festivals where the ground is almost flat and I don't care who you are, you're probably not tall enough to see over them. If possible, just move slightly to your left or right... or, if they look like these ladies, then just enjoy the view.

  • 10

    The Guy Wearing as Little as Possible

    There's always going to be that guy who likes to wear as little as the law will allow without becoming a sicko predator. Hopefully, the festival you go to has very few, if ANY, of these guys. But I doubt you'll get out of there without seeing some dudes butt cheeks peaking out of a pink thong.

    The guy in this picture wore something different every day and, unfortunately, he came over by our campsite. Sometimes, there are things you can't un-see. Things that will be burned into your memory forever.


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