We hear about it every Summer....EVERY Summer. It blows my mind that this happens! Parents "forgetting" their child or their dog locked in a car in the middle of Summer. Or worse yet, KNOWING full well that they're in the car and leaving them sit there in the heat.....to die while they shop, or gamble, have a beer, go to the strip club....whatever. ENOUGH!

Even more tragic, this story from Atlanta. Justin Ross Harris left his 22 month old child in the car.  

"Police say Harris, 33, left his toddler, Cooper, strapped into a car seat under a baking sun for seven hours while he went to work June 18. Records show that the mercury topped 92 that day."

I just don't get it. To me, there is NO excuse for this. NONE. The good thing is, there are people out there that are bringing attention to this. People like Terry Williams of North Carolina. He posted a video on Youtube challenging parents to actually sit in the car with the windows up in the stifling heat for just a few minutes to see what it's like.  Check out this video:

 "As you can see, I'm sweating, like I can barely breathe out here, but my system is stronger than these little kids system"

Check out this other video of a kid named Andy Pelham, who invented something called the EZ Baby Saver, to help prevent tragedies like this.



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