We live in Minnesota. There are a few things that are certain in this state - mosquitoes and road construction when it's warm, and snow when it's not. But maybe the last one isn't always such a certainty...

With Christmas just around the corner, Minnesotans expect to see snow on the ground. But according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, Rochester historically has a little better than a 50-50 chance of having snow on Christmas Day. NOAA defines "snowfall" as being one inch or more, not just a simple dusting like we got last night.

According to their data, stretching back to 1981, Rochester and Southeastern Minnesota fall in the "61-75%" range for snow on Christmas. Meanwhile, Northern Minnesota has a 91%+ chance of having the white stuff present on December 25.

According to their model, "While the map shows the climatological probability that a snow depth of at least one inch will be observed on December 25, the actual conditions this year may vary widely from these probabilities because the weather patterns present will determine the snow on the ground or snowfall on Christmas day."

So, will we have snow on Christmas? I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

For more info on this map and how it was created, check out their post on the NOAA website.


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