Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - A large, curious crowd gathered in front of the Chateau Theater Wednesday as Rochester Mayor Ardell Brede and representatives of Mayo Clinic opened the time capsule that was removed from the Mayo Civic Center site earlier this year.

It was found under the Mayo brothers statue and had apparently been buried there without fanfare in 1986. That’s when the statue was relocated from its initial site behind the civic center, where the tightly sealed copper container was also located.

Rochester Mayor Ardell Brede opens time capsule (Photo by Kim David, Townsquare Media)
Rochester Mayor Ardell Brede opens time capsule (Photo by Kim David, Townsquare Media)

The statue was dedicated on September 27, 1952. The container was referred to as a remembrance box and it contained hundreds of items, including newspapers and clippings,Mayo Clinic booklets, documents and paperwork, a book about the Mayo brothers, postcards and even some Christmas cards.  All the items are very well preserved, despite the 60 plus years that have passed since they were put in the box.

Brede is seeking input from the public before it’s decided where the capsule should be relocated and what should be put in it.  He says it may even be replaced by a new container.

Brede also suggested the box and its contents be available for public viewing until it is entombed again, which could be a few years away.

Here's a video with highlights from today's time capsule opening:

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