Everyone knows Psycho and the character of Marion Crane, who steals $40,000 from her boss, goes on the road, and winds up at the Bates Motel, where she encounters a very unhappy old lady and her very sharp knife in her room’s shower. But did you know that Anthony Perkins, who played the motel manager Norman Bates, was paid $40,000 for his performance  the exact same amount Marion stole? That’s just one of the Psycho facts featured in the newest episode of You Think You Know Movies!

The shower scene from Psycho is one of the most famous moments in movie history. But shooting the scene was so traumatic for actress Janet Leigh that she avoided showers (particularly ones with curtains) for years. To skate around the censors, Alfred Hitchcock shot the film in black-and-white. (At the time, he never could have gotten away with showing so much blood in color.)

‘You Think You Know Movies?’ is a ScreenCrush original series that dives deep into the cinematic worlds of your favorite movies and freeze frames a few tidbits you might not have known. We’ve already tackled Star Wars, The Avengers and Spider-Man, but now it’s time to check in to the Bates Motel for some amazing facts about Psycho. Watch more installments of ‘You Think You Know Movies?’ below and let us know in the comments what movies we should cover next.

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