In February, Faith No More announced that they’d completed Sol Invictus, their first new album since 1997’s Album of the Year. Now, you have a chance to listen to all 10 tracks from the disc. NPR Music has teamed up with the band to give fans a first listen to the music, which officially comes out May 19. You can enjoy the full album below.

The 39 minutes of new material should not disappoint Faith No More fans, who have already gotten a taste of what this new album would offer from the two singles “Motherf—er” and “Superhero.” But, make sure to enjoy the full album, checking out songs like "Sunny Side Up" and "Black Friday," to get the full taste of the diverse sounds on the disc.

Keyboardist Roddy Bottum previously spoke about the album, “Basically we’ve created, recorded and mixed a new body of work by ourselves and we’re releasing it on our own label. It’s a huge deal for us to only have ourselves to answer to at this point in our career…” While singer Mike Patton told Revolver, “I don’t know what people will think of [the album], but I’ll tell you one thing—we’re really f—ing happy with it. If people think it’s some kind of half-hearted comeback or some limp-wristed f—ing attempt at becoming ‘hip,’ then they can kiss my a--.” Let us know what you think of the new music in the comments section below.

Faith No More have been touring since mid-April and have a slew of dates lined up throughout the summer. They are currently in Boston, Mass. tonight (May 11) before playing two shows in NYC this week. They head to the United Kingdom and Europe at the end of the month and have dates scheduled through the beginning of August.

Stream 'Sol Invictus' Below

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