Avenged Sevenfold played in Jakarta, Indonesia, last week and to promote the show, singer M. Shadows talked to The Jakarta Post about the band’s past and future --  a future that will not include metalcore.

When asked if the band would ever go back to their metalcore roots, M. Shadows had this to say, “The metalcore has been left behind. It’s not something that any of us find enjoyment in listening to, so it’s obviously not the direction we would write songs in. I wouldn’t hold my breath for a comeback. We are ever evolving and never repeat ourselves.”

Avenged Sevenfold appeared on the music scene in 1999, and the group released two albums that were metalcore in sound before departing from that style for their 2005 major label debut ‘City of Evil.’

So, how does M. Shadows wants Avenged Sevenfold to evolve? “I want to stay away from trends and do what we want to do musically," he said. "We write music because we have to — it’s a part of our very being. As we develop I just see us following our heart on this musical journey.”

When asked if the resurgence and continuing dominance of classic metal bands like Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Metallica has been positive for Avenged Sevenfold, Shadows remarked, "It has been good for us, because there are some big bands to play with. People think this is a competition between bands, when the reality is the more successful bands the better. It really does help everyone when there are some big bands leading the charge."

Avenged Sevenfold just wrapped up a tour of South East Asia, and played in in Honolulu, Hawaii, last night. The band has no further dates scheduled for 2015 at this time.

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