Law Firms Threaten Legal Action Against Rochester School DistrictLaw Firms Threaten Legal Action Against Rochester School DistrictThe law firms are known for advocating conservatives causes and are targeting the district's new gender policy.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Will Appeals Court Ruling impact Rochester School District?Will Appeals Court Ruling impact Rochester School District?The court ruled the Lakeville School District violated the 1st Amendment in the way it designated Black Lives Matter as official government speech.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Filing Period For Local & State Fall Elections Ends Tuesday Filing Period For Local & State Fall Elections Ends Tuesday Candidates have until the end of the business day to get on the election ballot.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Primary Race Set Up For Rochester City Council PositionPrimary Race Set Up For Rochester City Council PositionThe two-week filing period for the 2024 election opened on Tuesday.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester School Board Considers $19.4 million Tax Increase PlanRochester School Board Considers $19.4 million Tax Increase PlanThe proposed operating levy referendum would be included on the November ballot. Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester School Board Set to Receive Property Tax Hike ProposalRochester School Board Set to Receive Property Tax Hike ProposalThe Superintendent's recommendation will be accompanied by the results of a new survey of local voters.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
200 Positions Could Be Cut If Rochester Voters Reject School Levy200 Positions Could Be Cut If Rochester Voters Reject School LevyThe Rochester School Board is beginning planning for a levy referendum later this year.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester School Board Public Hearing on Operating Levy ExtensionRochester School Board Public Hearing on Operating Levy ExtensionSchool Districts have been given authorization for a one time extension of existing operating levies without voter approval.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester School District Teacher Contract Talks at ImpasseRochester School District Teacher Contract Talks at ImpasseThe Superintendent has issued a statement while the teachers stage a demonstration.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester School Board Approves Attendance Option RedesignRochester School Board Approves Attendance Option RedesignThe changes will take effect in the Rochester School District in the fall.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell