What Is the Average Age People Get Married in Minnesota?What Is the Average Age People Get Married in Minnesota?Just over half of the population of Minnesota is currently married, but what is the average age at which people here in the Gopher State first get married?Curt St. JohnCurt St. John
The 10 Minnesota Counties that Shrunk the Most in the Past DecadeThe 10 Minnesota Counties that Shrunk the Most in the Past DecadeAccording to a recent report from the 2020 US Census, these are the 10 Minnesota counties that shrunk the most and the 10 that grew the most.Carly RossCarly Ross
Minnesota’s 25 Smallest Towns According to the 2020 CensusMinnesota’s 25 Smallest Towns According to the 2020 CensusAccording to the 2020 census, these are Minnesota's 25 smallest towns. Do you or does someone you know, live in any of these towns?Carly RossCarly Ross