If you enjoy watching or playing pond hockey, good news! St. Cloud will be hosting a 3-day pond hockey tournament during next year's Bold & Bright celebration that takes place around Downtown St. Cloud. The announcement was made yesterday afternoon on social media by the Downtown St. Cloud Alliance.

The announcement came towards the end of a social media post thanking the Granite City Lumberjacks for helping to set up the temporary rink that was used for the curling and bonspiel demonstrations that were happening during Bold & Bright.

A huge thank you to the Granite City Lumberjacks for their incredible help in setting up the Pond Hockey rink for the North Star Curling Club at Bold & Bright winter festival!

Despite the brutal cold and wind, these guys showed up, pounded in stakes, and set up the panels—ensuring the rink was ready for the community to enjoy. We truly couldn’t have hosted the curling event without their hard work and dedication.

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We’re excited to announce that next year’s Bold & Bright Celebration will feature a three-day Pond Hockey Tournament in partnership with the Lumberjacks! We can’t wait to bring even more winter fun to downtown.

Thank you again to the Lumberjacks for your support and commitment to making downtown St. Cloud a great place to be!

The pond hockey tournament will run for three days during Bold & Bright 2026 and will most likely use the playing surface of Lake George.

It's great to hear they are adding on to the events happening during downtown St. Cloud's Bold & Bright; now we just need to make sure Mother Nature understands her end of the bargain next year.

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