We all know that Lent is on the way soon, right? That means something special, Catholic or not! Fish sandwiches. All of them.

Yeah, I'm only a little bit excited. In case you were wondering, this year, Lent falls on March 1st and ends on April 13th. My hometown of Pittsburgh is no stranger to holding massive fish fry events each Friday during Lent, and I'm hoping to find some tasty fish sandwiches in Rochester!

2013 Gruene Woche Agricultural Trade Fair
Getty Images

Unfortunately, I don't quite know where to go yet! So, I need your help! Fill me in! Where can you get a fish sandwich in Rochester during Lent? I chatted with Jeff for a little bit about this, and he said Pannekoeken is a must!

A few locals I've met just said they are everywhere in the area, in general. Someone even suggested stopping at a Kwik Trip! Have you done that before?

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